Better Information Yields Stonger Decisions
Easy-to-use Tools To Help You Farm For The Future
AgWizard gives you the tools you need to create a robust marketing plan and gathers your farm’s data in an easy-to-use platform with reporting that lets you make decisions in real time. We’re not just a financial software; AgWizard also gives you access to your own advisor to guide you through what-if scenarios in your business, and high-powered tools to develop your marketing plan or outsource your monthly bookkeeping to a professional. Choose the level that works best for your unique needs and see why partnering with AgWizard on your business is the best thing you’ll do all year.
View PricingFinancial Software For Today's Farmer
This is not your grandfather’s farm operation; at AgWizard, we know that doing what he always did isn’t going to cut it in today’s ag world. Stakes are higher, margins are smaller, and we know it can be overwhelming to create a marketing plan and understand your full financial standing. You don’t have to go through everything alone—AgWizard is here to help.